CD 1: THE WORKS 1, ”THE NORDIC TREATMENT” 1.Tip Toe 2.Pain 3.Everything You Got 4.Symphonic Shuffle 5.Midnight Seeks A Lonely Heart 6.The Groove 7.Undercover 8.It Is What It Is (Thank You Paul)
CD 2: THE WORKS 2, MADE IN FINLAND UPDATE 1.Crossover 2.Yes, This Is It 3.Two Sisters 4.It’s A Journey 5.Past and Present 6.The Magician’s Departure 7.Yellow 8. Grand Canyon Of My Dreams 9. Hahmo 10.Behind The Curtains
CD 3: THE WORKS 3, PROGRESSIVE CONSTRUCTION 1.The Searcher’s Prelude 2.The Searcher 3.Under Construction 4.Freedom and Honor 5.Wizard Samba 6.Busy Weekend 7.Lets Get Started 8.Freedom and Honor Part II 9.Chilin 10.Let’s Get Started Live 11.Love Trusts 12.The Searcher’s Departure
CD 4: THE WORKS 4, CREATIVITY 1. Daughters 2. Dominique (live) 3. Anni (live) 4. The Searcher’s Prelude (live) 5. The Searcher/Good News Medley (live) 6. Rollercoaster 7. Awakening 8. Going Home