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Release Date : 2014

With great excitement I was asked by a fellow music distributor to case my eye over this release, I am ashamed to say that whilst this is Ben's third solo release I had not heard any of his music, it was one of those wow moments that only come along every so often and one has come to cherish each single one.

The musicians on board should tell you all you need to know of Bens standing within our genre, Simon Phillips, Billy Sheehan and Jeff Scott Soto to name just three involved, an epic blend of prog rock and metal - hope you enjoy.

1. The Age of Magrathea 2. We Are Here To Help 3. You Made Me Miss 4. Caught In The Flypaper 5. Same Siders 6. Wrestling With Plato 7. Lower Moat Manor 8. She Flies Softly On