The Emerald Dawn - In Time. CD

Release Date : 2023

It's almost two decades now since their debut 'Searching for the lost key' and 'In time' being the fifth studio offering Emerald are now knocking down doors on the prog scene here in the UK and much wider, they have been a slow burner but the bandwagon is now rolling ahead. Well done Alan, Tree, Dave and Tom.
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The Emerald Dawn - To Touch The Sky. CD

Release Date : 2021

Ally Carter, Tree Stewart and Co. have quickly established themselves as Caerllysi Music favourites, four releases down the line 'To Touch The Sky' continues the progressive excellence they have shown us, citing Pink Floyd and Steve Hackett amongst major influences these guys are on the right road musically and when live music returns they will be on our radars.
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eMolecule - The Architect. CD

Release Date : 2023

Inside Out's latest big thing is this dark and powerful prog outfit headed by Simon Collins and Kelly Nerdsrom, just check out the promotional videos they are fab! they will tell you everything you need to know musically.

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Envy Of None. CD

Release Date : 2022

Great to see the legend that is Ales Lifeson (rush) resurface at last with some new musical direction. This powerful atmospheric opus uses the cinematic and ambient genre very cleverly, this new band will get a head start due to Alex and it's other talented musicians and will be on many wanted lists.
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Europe - 1982-2000. CD

Release Date : 2003

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evolve iv - decadent lights
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Evolver - Tribe Of Names. CD

Release Date : 2022

The beautiful digipak offering sets the tone for this uplifting album which sees Simon Godfrey (Tiny Fish) and Tom Hyatt (Echolyn) join forces.

The musical cocktail served up is so refreshing and everything you would hope for from two such very different creative forces - Top debut CD!

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Expedition Delta. CD

Release Date : 2008

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